Dental disease is one of the most common problems in veterinary medicine and prophylactic cleanings and treatments for dental disease are one of the basic procedures performed at our hospital.
Dental Prophylaxis
Signs of dental disease in your pet include bad breath, trouble chewing and pain in the mouth area and are frequently diagnosed during annual exams.
Unfortunately, almost all dental procedures require general anesthesia (see Surgical Services for a discussion of risks). Dental cleanings without anesthesia are unable to address underlying causes of disease or treat more serious problems that are painful to your pet.
When your pet is diagnosed with dental disease, you will be given an estimate of the costs for the recommended procedure and any pre-anesthetic screening tests.
Accuracy in dental estimates can be particularly challenging, especially if your pet has moderate or severe disease. Because of this, your estimate may have a fairly wide range. Once your animal is under anesthesia and a more thorough exam can be performed, we can update this estimate.
Dental procedure drop-offs are the same as surgical procedures. It is 8:30 AM with no food or water for your pet after midnight the night before. Most dental procedures are discharged between 2-5 PM the same day. You will receive a phone call when the procedure is finished to discuss the procedure and set up a discharge time.